Digital health options in your waiting room to benefit your patients

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  5. Digital health options in your waiting room to benefit your patients

In addition to printed health brochures, more and more practices turn to digital access in their waiting rooms to help patients learn more about their health.

Printed health brochures offer great value to explain health and medical information and digital options make that information more available to patients as Healthcare professionals

Have you tried our QR Code direct uploads of these four Health Navigator and MediBoard brochures?

Your MediBoard now has QR “Scan Me” codes for the four very popular Health Navigator and MediBoard education brochures on:

  • Mental Health
  • Sleep
  • Irritable Bowel
  • Pre Diabetes

Over the last year, over 50,000 of these brochures have been picked up from waiting rooms through out NZ. Since July we have had hundreds of uploads direct from MediBoards using these new QR codes which offers a convenient way for your patients to upload information to their phones while they wait.

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